The top 5 Forbes editors to follow

Fueled by hundreds of distinguished contributing editors, Forbes is the online bible when it comes to the latest business, entrepreneurship, and technology tips.

Whether you need tips on how to start a business, how to hack the new Instagram algorithm, or how best to promote your brand with a minimal budget, Forbes has you covered.

Here are the top 5 Forbes editors to start following today. 


#1. Cheryl Connor, SnappConner PR. 

Cheryl Connor is an entrepreneur and communications expert from Salt Lake City and founder of SnappConner PR. Cheryl connects small businesses with innovative PR and shares top tips on how to get your brand into the press. 

Follow Cheryl on Forbes.

#2. Amit Chowdhry, Tech Enthusiast. 

 Amit Chowdhry is a tech enthusiast based in Michigan with a passion for all things tech, startups, and gadgets.

Follow Amit on Forbes.

#3. Kitty Knowles, Senior Features Writer. 

Kitty Knowles writes about startups and entrepreneurship with a particular passion for health, education, and femtech businesses. Prepare to be inspired! 

Follow Kitty on Forbes.

#4. Paul Potratz, Potratz Partners Advertising. 

Need non-traditional marketing strategies and insight into how to become known and profitable with video? Paul is your man! 

Follow Paul on Forbes. 

#5. Joresa Blount.

Content creator Joresa talks all things tech and female empowerment. Joresa also recently featured one of my favorite Miami-based shoe designers on Forbes, Alejandra. G. LOVE!

Follow Joresa on Forbes.